
Young Writers Society

John Manley Chapter 4

by Certainly Love

Chapter 4

John was sitting in his office when there came a knock. He sighed and shook his head.

“Miss Williams, please…enough is enough.”

Just then the door opened, “Miss---” But John stopped when he found it was his younger brother. “Oh, Joel.”

“John. Greetings brother. How have you been faring of late? I see you have a new friend.”

“Don’t ask.”

“Of course not. She’s only a mere lady…” Joel shook his head. “She sends her apologies.”

“Really? Is she gone?”

“Yes, unfortunately.”


Joel looked at him and frowned, “I will never know why you act the way you do. She seemed like a very lovely woman and you had the nerve to send her away. I am staying here for a few weeks and I shall invite Miss Williams to visit. When mother finally comes to stay, she is going to expect visitors not drive them away.”

“I don’t need you to tell me how to live my life.”

“Well, someone’s got to. I know you lost someone very dear to you, but life goes on.”

“Enough…I’ve heard enough.”

John turned away and started to sort through his old missives. Joel sighed, the same old John.

“You’ll never know until you learn to let go. Miss Williams seems like just the woman to get you to take your mind off things. She’s beautiful…kind…Imagine how she would taste---”

“Joel, that’s quite enough. I don’t like to discuss intimate things, especially when it deals with woman.”

“But don’t you think it’s time you found someone new?”

“Yes…but I can’t.”

“Right. It’s hard.” he said sarcastically.

John just sat there. “You don’t understand…I can’t feel anymore.”

“That’s because you numbed yourself. Now…”

“Now, I would like to be able to do as I please. I am a grown man…I choose to be

left alone.” John said.

“It really bothers me that you are not happy.”

“I am happy.”

“Are you?” Joel headed toward the window.

John had nothing to say. It continued to rain and lightening filled the sky. It was silent…but something didn’t feel right.

“Joel, did you say that Violet left?”

“Yes…Isn’t that what you wanted?”

“No---She is walking in the rain!”

“What? She could catch a fever!”

Without second thought, Joel and John took off. They had ridden much of the road until they finally saw her.

“Miss Williams!” Joel said, she stopped and turned around. She was smiling.

John felt partly guilty and let Joel tend to her. Joel then took her by the hand and took her home. John on the other hand, decided to go home as well. After all, Joel already had it covered. John shrugged off the thought that she might have caught pneumonia. Really, she wasn’t in the rain for too long. John had already seen the look on his brother’s face. He could see that he was taken with her in the way he held her hand and the way he smiled at her. John shook his…if anyone deserved Violet Williams it had best been his brother.

“I can’t believe that man wasn’t gentleman enough to take you home in a carriage!” Mrs. Williams said as Violet went to upstairs to dry off. Mrs, Williams didn’t notice Joel standing at the threshold until he gave a loud Ahem.

“Oh.” Mrs. Williams said, “Who might you be?”

“I am the brother of the Count of Manarte. I am sorry that he didn’t have the sense to take her home in shelter.”

“Oh…do come in.”

Joel entered into the foyer and made an observation before she invited him to sit.

Finally, he took a seat.

“I took the initiative to take her home, if it will do you any comfort.”

“Oh, what a fine gentleman you are. I’ve heard about this man in the newsletters. For a shy man, he’s certainly rude. Sorry to speak so ill of your brother.”

“That’s alright. Excuse his lack of manners. He usually isn’t like that.” he lied. Joel bit his tongue and soon, Violet arrived in the sitting room. Just as she sat down, she gave a loud sneezed.

“Bless you.” Mrs. Williams replied as did Joel, “Oh, the nerve of that man. There is no doubt you have the chill.”

“I’ll be fine mother.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course.” Violet then looked to Joel, “Thank you for being so kind.”

“Of course, it is my duty.”

“I daresay your brother is very outspoken for a shy man. When I met him, he wasn’t at all in the mood to speak to me, but when he did, he surprised me with such a very bold, but unfeeling speech. I was never spoken to in such a way.” Violet began.

“I’m very sorry.”

“No, it’s quite alright. I understand. He is a man with his own personality.”

“I don’t think being mean-spirited is considered a good personality, Miss Williams.”

“Well, you have to get use to it some time.”

Joel was suddenly irked by the fact that she kept defending him and making him seem like a good sort. Joel knew John wasn’t a very good person, but why was she acting as if she found no fault in John. He was accused of being every unkind thing. Joel wanted to march straight home and beat some sense into his wayward brother.

“Mr. Manley…I’m sorry to change the subject so suddenly…but are you married?” Mrs. Williams asked.

Joel shook his head and smiled, “No…I haven’t been looking into the marriage mart.”

Mrs. Williams had sparkles in her eyes and Violet knew what that meant. It was silent…

“Your brother…if I may say so, is a very interesting person. I really would like to get to know him.”

“You could try, as a matter of fact; I can get him to receive you as a visitor. He may be younger than I may, but I have my ways of making him listen to me. I do put him on a guilt trip you know.”

“I hope he won’t endanger my daughter again like that. Of all the men…he does not think twice about ladies needs.”

“Well, my brother hasn’t been around ladies in a very long time.”

Joel tried not to let himself speak much and he couldn’t stand the look on Mrs. Williams face. It was a sour expression. One could tell she didn’t like his brother very much. Joel didn’t mind at all, he didn’t like his brother much either. Finally, the Williams let him on his way and Joel had a lot to say to John. It should have been John who should have taken Violet home.

Late that night, Joel came home, drenched from head to foot. John scoffed as he walked into the door.

“What are you laughing about? If you hadn’t been such a complete idiot, Miss Violet would have ridden home safely in a carriage.”

“I’ll apologize first thing in the morning.”

“Well, you can’t do that now, can you? Her mother was furious that you weren’t gentleman enough to see her home. Miss Williams has caught a very bad cold…”

John crossed his arms and said nothing. “Right, don’t speak, because you know it is all your fault. Miss Williams was only trying to befriend you.”

Joel threw his coat into the closet and pointed angrily at John.

“If she gets worse…I’ll be damned…you’re going to make it up to her and you best be prepared for everyday visits and small talk.”

“Or what?”

“I’ll beat you black and blue…I don’t care what mother or anyone thinks and you know darn well that I am strong enough to do some bodily damage. A woman should be treated with respect. Why she would want to befriend the likes of you is beyond me.”

John shook his head, “Did she say she wanted this?”

“No, but she darn well couldn’t stop talking about you and how you treated her. I was biting my tongue the whole time for your sake. I didn’t want to disgrace you. By Jove you deserve it, but I am your brother and that would only make me look bad.”

John nodded and cleared his throat. His brother was right. He was always right that he hated the fact that he wasn’t as gentleman as he. Joel had what John didn’t and that was his will to make things happen…the braveness to speak in a crowd. John, however, could never get himself to do that. Just the thought that he wasn’t able to do that made him feel less than a man. It just reminded him of a shy girl…a wallflower. Hell, he might as well have been a girl for heaven’s sake!

“John…for the last time---and for everyone’s sake! Be a man!”

Of all the insults…John had never felt belittled by any of them until now. John stared at his brother and walked away.

“You’ll thank me later!” he called from behind him.

Just as he said that, Larry walked through the door and looked at Joel strangely.

“Never have I heard anyone tell Lord Manarte to be a man. You’re darn right.” Larry then left to his duties and Joel stood there. What was he going to do with his brother?

“I say, that count makes me want to do something---horrible.” Violet’s mother said as she gave Violet a glass of water. Violet was lying in bed and Mrs. Williams was tending to her. Violet sneezed and laughed. “Dear, why are you laughing? If I were you, I’d have slapped him right in the face. To hell if he’s a count. I had it with these unfeeling high class imbeciles.”

“Mother, John Manley is just a shy sort of person. You can’t force him to like people.”

“Deary, he is not going to treat you that way. His brother is dreadfully handsome. I dare say, why not marry him?”

“Mother!” Violet sat up, “I think that Lord Manarte…possesses a quality that no other man has. I know he isn’t that cruel…There is probably a reason for it…and I intend on finding out what it is.”

“Just be careful dear…I don’t want anyone to know you have been visiting this man. Who knows what they will think? It will cause a scandal and we’ll certainly be out of the question. Your sisters are all married and you have yet to marry, you know.”

Mrs. Williams then took the glass of water and placed it upon the table by the bed.

“Now, do get some rest. You have to regain your strength.” Mrs. Williams then left the room and Violet thought about John. He had such beautiful eyes…and he had the power to charm any woman without even trying. So he did possess powers…Violet finally fell asleep.

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I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.
— Walt Disney